The largest family-owned insurer in Germany
ARAG is the largest family enterprise in the German insurance industry and has positioned itself as a versatile quality insurer. In addition to specializing in legal insurance as the leading legal insurer worldwide, ARAG also offers its customers attractive, needs-based products and services from a single source in the German composite, health and old-age pension insurance segments. Active in a total of 19 countries – including the US, Canada and Australia – ARAG is also represented by international branches, subsidiaries and shareholdings in numerous international markets in which it holds a leading position as a provider of legal insurance and legal services. With more than 5,000 employees, the Group generates revenue and premium income totaling about €2.4 billion.

Our company was founded by Heinrich Faßbender in 1935 and has remained in family hands ever since. His business idea – that all citizens should be able to assert their rights, regardless of their financial standing – is as relevant as ever today. We remain committed to ensuring equal opportunities for everyone. After more than 85 years of business success, the ARAG Group embodies the following values today:

Independence is of crucial importance to us as a family enterprise. We can take decisions without taking the short-term profit expectations of shareholders into account. That gives us a great deal of entrepreneurial freedom. We also pursue a conservative, long-term business strategy that ensures both our organization and its customers stability, reliability and continuity.
We have been operating internationally since 1962. Since then, the international legal insurace business has played an important role for us. Today, ARAG is the leading legal insurer worldwide. Active in 19 countries – including the US, Canada and Australia – ARAG is represented by international branches, subsidiaries and shareholdings in numerous international markets in which it holds a leading position as a provider of legal insurance and legal services. Nearly half of our employees now work abroad. Our formula for success is simple: We adapt our legal insurance products precisely to the needs of our customers in each market. Additionally, an intensive know-how transfer process enables us to adapt internationally successful product and service concepts for the German market.
Our success is based on quality. As a versatile quality insurer, we rely on a strong brand as well as innovative products and services. In this way, we reaffirm our strong commitment to quality every day. As a family enterprise, we have a flat corporate hierarchy and a great deal of flexibility. And our customers benefit from that as well, since it enables us to offer excellent products and services – as attested by the numerous awards and certifications we have received from independent institutes.
We have been working successfully for 85 years – not only in the field of legal insurance, which we have developed into an international export hit, but also in Germany as a multi-segment insurer with composite and health insurance portfolios. We regard ourselves as more than a cost-coverage provider. We are constantly looking for new ways to prevent potential damages and losses before they occur. Thus we have developed strong capabilities in the field of prevention – such as our telephone legal helpline and mediation services, for example.
We have a unique corporate identity as an international family enterprise: We are independent. That enables us to bond with our customers who also strive for independence and self-fulfillment. But what does that mean specifically in terms of our day-to-day work as an insurer? We support our customers in every phase of life in their efforts to achieve freedom of action and we accompany them at significant turning points in their lives. In short, our customers can concentrate on their opportunities, because we attend to their risks.
The ARAG Group has evolved over the past years from a national niche provider into a versatile, internationally successful quality insurer. Our organization has changed along the way, but so has the ARAG brand. Today, we stand for much more than just legal insurance. A new brand strategy reflects this corporate restructuring process. Within this context, a straight product brand is currently evolving – step by step – into an attractive customer brand with a consistent focus on customers and their needs. We have also laid the cornerstone for the development of ARAG into an international brand-name company.